26 November 2008

The Cat on Your Computer May Not Be a Cat

Dear slug,

Why is the Internet full of cats that can't spell?


Dear U,

The Internet is actually a series of connections that carry electronic communications around the world (and above it, in a few places). I am fairly certain that the Internet servers and wireless networks would not be operational if they were, in fact, full of cats, regardless of the felines' spelling abilities.

As to the LOLcat phenomenon to which I believe you are referring, keep in mind that investigative reporting has uncovered that it is actually a large and ever-changing group of humans typing for the cats. The cats I know are pretty pissed off about the whole thing and will yowl for hours about improperly places Zs. I, on the other eyestalk (I don't have an "other hand"), would like to point out that the entertainment value of such a website is actually fairly high because it allows both passive and interactive features, and there are times when it truly captures the essence of our wide and wild world.

In order to protect yourself from unwanted LOLcat exposure, I suggest that you stick to websites and search terms that avoid the word "cheezburger."

~A nameless slug in the Pacific Northwest

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