15 December 2008

Slugs don't yawn

I'm not sure whether it's a benefit or a disappointment, but slugs aren't much for yawning. Yes, we do have mouths (and teeth--how do you think we munch all those cabbages?), but we just don't yawn a whole lot. If we did, I'd be yawning right now. It's icy cold and snowy and I merely squirmed up from my lovely warm hole in the earth to grab a bite or two to eat and check my email (more on that later this week). As I was sleepily munching on some leaves of perfect vintage, I thought to myself, "I wonder why I'm not much inclined to yawn." Maybe it's because I don't need as much oxygen as you mammalian types. I'll have to look it up when I'm less sleepy.

For now, may your doorsteps thaw enough that you never go hungry. I'm going back where it's damp and dark and not quite so chilly.

~A nameless slug in the chilly Pacific Northwest

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