05 January 2009

A Slug's Resolve

Sadly, the wondrous icicle slug and her young have melted away, but their passing means that the weather has warmed enough for me to return to my blog. I would like to extend my personal welcome to 2009, and offer up a few resolutions for the new year.

In 2009, I resolve to:

1. Climb to the top of a very tall tree (not the kind that is about to be chopped down and sent to Hawaii for Christmas). Take that, Mr. Fly!

2. Invite friends over for dinner more often. What's the point of munching on a lonely cabbage leaf when there are plenty of leaves—and slugs—to go around?

3. Promote the underappreciated animals of this world. For the rest of the year, I'll be featuring a different unsung hero each Friday so you can learn a little more about the creatures with whom we all share this world. As Robert Anton Wilson mentions at the opening of his Schrödinger's Cat trilogy, the six-or-more-legged beings far outnumber all other life on this earth. While it is not just the insects I'll be giving their due, you can be sure that fuzzy little kittens and sad-eyed seals will not be making the list. They're fine creatures, I'm sure, but there's more to life than being cute. Take it from a slug (even if I am a rather good-looking slug, if I may say so).


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