03 November 2008

Mug o' Slug

I realize that a lot of people out there aren't too fond of slugs, but I feel the need to point something out. We come in many shapes, colors, textures and sizes, but a good many of us-- myself included--are the exact same color as that other Northwest favorite, the perfectly roasted coffee bean.

What's not to love?


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh but do you TASTE like roasted coffee after you're ground up and then put in the coffee maker?????

If that were the case, many people would become addictited to slugs I dare say.

Anonymous said...

Many people become psychologically addicted to slugs simply from our slick charm. However, I can assure you that we are entirely caffeine-free and do not taste like anything you would find pleasant. Please remember that drinking slugs may be hazardous to your health. It certainly is to mine.